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Products displayed: 1 - 19 of 19
Item IDDescription
10288 Medimix™ Vial Reconstitution Mixer
11164 Ceramic Mortar and Pestle Kit
11165 Glass Mortar and Pestle Kit
18288 Ceramic Hot Plate
19480 Vial and Tube Roller, 5 Rollers
19639 Magnetic Stirring Bar
20190 Digital Orbital Shaker
20215 Digital Orbital Shaker w/ Vial Stands
20341 Digital Hotplate
20342 Digital Magnetic Stirrer
20343 Digital Hotplate and Stirrer
20344 Temperature Probe
20583 MagFuge® Centrifuge and Magnetic Stirrer
20693 Vial and Tube Roller, 10 Rollers
20956 Tube Rocker
2904-01 Plastic Shut-Off Clamp
3009 Glass Stirring Rods, 12 Inch
3017 Glass Stirring Rods, 8 Inch
3018 Glass Stirring Rods, 10 Inch